Coating Quality Measurement (CQM) is a further developed version of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy. While EIS can only perform a maximum of two measurements a day, CQM can perform hundreds. As a result, outliers are easily detected, and the reliability of test results is increased.

CQM is used to examine the condition of coatings and can provide indications on the protective characteristics of the coating systems.  

Coating Quality Measurement provides insights into:

  1. How good the (visually intact) coating really protects
  2. Coating degradation over time
  3. Presence of corrosion underneath coating layers.
  4. Prognoses when corrosion starts
  5. Prognoses of % visible corrosion over time  

Based on these insights, predictive maintenance can be applied. This method of maintaining assets prevents failure and downtime by repairing corroded area’s before the structural integrity is at risk. Predictive Maintenance saves up to 40% of maintenance costs. Additionally, it is used to develop a numerical model to predict the lifetime of the measured asset.  

Additionally, C-Cube specialises in lifetime prognoses of ceramic, metallic- and organic coatings. We advise on the following topics:

– Coating Selection
– Coating Production Optimisation
– Property measurement for QA/QC or Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT)  

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